Bike has been located, en route to hostel. Details to come...
Now that this emotional roller coaster has for the most part passed, I can finally talk a bit about the turmoil that I was experiencing. While checking throughout the city for camping/bike shops, I saw what would have been an impossible task - to properly replace the gear that was sitting in the box which was MIA. In any case, after some phone calls to Mexicana Airlines (I´m thinking the bike was sitting in someone's garage in Mexico City) they found it. The first two pics show me, pre-news of recovered bike. You can see, either no smile or a fake one.
And then after the news -
It was such a relief, and produced such a change of spirit, understandably. The architecture was now amazing, the weather was beautiful (if a little hot), the women once again beautiful, and the food tasted fantastic. Now, I could stop moping and enjoy the trip. Below a
good to hear david
First disaster averted! Glad to hear that the bike is back in good hands. Did they take care of it enroute or do you need more Q-Tips? ;-) Have a great trip and you've heard it all before, be safe but have a blast.
Hi, I am so happy for you we were so worried.Now we are still worried but for diferent reasons!
I check your blog at least six times a day!
love Sylvia
missing bike- nice drama before the trip even gets underway.
come back to US and A soon. we miss you.
Oh, the drama of the missing bike! This story is made for TV! I'm sitting here with a tub of popcorn as I read your blog!
Anyway, glad you got the cycle and you can finally hit the road.
gosh ... you can never trust the airlines huh?
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