11 April 2008

Carretera Austral pictures - part 3

Continuing my late series of the Carretera Austral, below are a few of my favorite areas in Chile. The Lago General Carrera is the second largest in South America, and it is shared by Chile and Argentina. Despite the nasty ripio as well as the constant headwinds and 'useless' climbing, the scenery was simply spectacular and I would have done it again, though in the opposite direction! It took us 3 days after leaving Chile Chico to get past the lake, three days to cover just over 100km, but three days of this below. Some of the river pics are of the Río Baker, soon to be dammed up by Chile so Santiago doesn't have to rely on Argentinian oil and fuel. In other words, visit soon before the landscape is changed forever. The final pics are from the final section of the Carretera Austral just past Puerto Yungay and less than 100km from Villa O'Higgins, really quite the frontier town as I mentioned before. Enjoy the pics, I'm off to Iguazu Falls now!

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